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The Event Center: WWF In Your House 3


The Event Center: WWF In Your House 3

I know it’s been a while since one of these have been posted but there has been a lot going on with the family on my end so I haven’t had much time to get these up. I had a vacation and some other things that life called for and this had to get put on the back burner. But I am back and I have about 5-6 shows that are ready to go. I also plan on switching some things up and doing some new things going forward. Look out for that and just remember we ain’t going no where.

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Event Center right here on CrazyMax. I am your host, xstat32x. Welp the fall has rolled in which means we got cool weather and football. What this also means is that we are now heading into our Fall Review Series. That means we are going to be doing shows from September to November. We get classics such as Fall Brawl, In Your House, Survivor Series, Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, and maybe our first foray into TNA. Our first show up on the docket is none other than In Your House 3. The main event features all 3 titles on the line in one match and whoever takes the pinfall loses their titles. This is a pretty sweet concept that I am surprised hasn’t happened more often. Anyways, this is right in the middle of the New Generation so we are going to be in store for some crap but thats okay because I am ready to get this thing going. So lets do it to it.

Event Information:
Date: September 24th, 1995
Location: Saginaw Civic Center in Saginaw, Michigan
Attendance: Saginaw Civic Center in Saginaw, Michigan
Main Event: All Titles On The Line: Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs. Yokozuna/Owen Hart

Show Opening:

The show opens up with highlight video on the main event match. Todd Pettengill is doing the voice over work here and getting you hyped for the pay per view. Todd says it’s a game of jeopardy and for the first time ever all three titles are up for grabs in the same match. After that we head inside the building where Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler, and Jim Ross are standing by ringside. Vince says they are ready for action and we are ready for titles to change hands. Lawler predicts that Owen will beat Shawn Michaels and become the new Intercontinental Champion. Ross predicts that Yokozuna will become the new Intercontinental champion as well. Vince tells us that Shawn could be in trouble tonight as he sends us up to the ring to get our first match going.

Pre-Match Thoughts:
There’s really no build to this one. Waylon is a newer character that is probably making his one and only pay per view appearance. Meanwhile, Savio is a lightning rod and can excite the crowd so this is a solid opener for a pay per view if you ask me. Lets get this one going.

Match 1: Savio Vega vs. Waylon Mercy

This Waylon Mercy gimmick is pretty damn awesome. It’s a shame it didn’t work. It is a knock off of the character from Cape Fear that De Niro played in the Martin Scorsese movie. Waylon tries to attack Savio from behind but Savio moves out of the way and Savio starts laying in the right hands and chops to Waylon. Savio starts to work the arm early on here. Waylon drives the knee into the midsection of Savio and then drops him with a clothesline to get control of the match here. Waylon throws Savio to the outside and he goes out after him and lays in the vicious chops to Savio. Waylon then picks up Savio and drops him with a body slam to the floor.

Waylon goes for a stun gun move but he falls down to early and Savio hits his feet before he gets draped over the top rope. That looked sloppy as hell like most of this match. They go to Dok Hendrix in the back with late breaking news. Dok says that Owen is not there and he is not in the building yet. Waylon goes for an elbow but Savio rolls out of the way. Waylon reverses an Irish whip and ends up getting Savio in a sleeper hold. Savio gets out of the hold by driving Mercy head first into the top turnbuckle. Waylon gets back up and goes right back to the sleeper hold but Savio drops him with a belly to back suplex.

Both guys get up and they exchange lefts and rights. Savio drops Waylon with a big ass big boot. He got that one flush in the chin. Savio then hits a nice spin kick to the face of Waylon for a 2 count. Waylon is going for a hip toss but Savio ends up dropping him with a bulldog instead for another 2 count. Waylon then picks up Savio and dumps him with a sloppy ass brain buster that looked pretty dangerous. Waylon picks up Savio and drops him with a belly to back suplex for another 2 count.

Savio goes up and over on a body slam attempt and hits Waylon with a German suplex for a 2 count. Savio then goes off the ropes and hits a spinning wheel kick on Waylon Mercy for the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match by pinfall….Savio Vega!

This match was sloppy and trash if you ask me. Waylon messed up 3-4 spots and they are extremely visible and easy to point out. Waylon could barely go by this point and Savio exposed that. Savio got a little sloppy but his offense was good and I really liked his kicks. Not the best of openers but not the worst either but I would probably skip this one if you watch this show.

They go to the back where Gorilla Monsoon and Jim Cornette are discussing the main event. Cornette says that Owen is here, in Michigan, but not in the building yet. Gorilla says the triple header match will go down tonight pretty much no matter what.

Pre-Match Thoughts:
A month prior on Raw Godwinn ended up slopping Ted Dibiase and then he turned around and did it again on Superstars this past weekend. Sid came out and dropped Henry with a power bomb on the floor. Later on in that episode of Superstars, Godwinn ended up coming out while Sid was laid out on the floor and slopped him. DiBiase is using his hired gun to do his dirty work and take care of Henry Godwinn for slopping him on Raw.

Match 2: Sycho Sid vs. Henry O. Godwinn

Godwinn gets the control early when he slams Sid face first into the mat. Godwinn hits a few right hands and it sends Sid to the apron. Sid stands up and Godwinn drops him with a clothesline and this sends Sid to the floor. Godwinn shows off the strength by suplexing Sid back into the ring. This took a tole on the back of Godwinn and he couldn’t get Sid up for a body slam.

Godwinn is standing in front of the ropes and Sid ends up hitting him with a knee to the back. DiBiase works over Godwinn on the floor while Sid distracts the ref. Sid hits a couple of ax handles to the lower back of Godwinn before throwing him back into the ring. Sid continues to work the lower body and back of Godwinn. Sid then gets Godwinn in a camel clutch to continue to work the lower back of Godwinn. Sid lets go of the camel clutch, works the lower back some more, and then back to the camel clutch we go.

Sid goes for a big boot in the corner but Godwinn moves out of the way and Sid racks himself on the middle rope. Sid tries to hit an ax handle off the middle rope but Godwinn hits him in the gut instead. Godwinn drops Sid with a big time shoulder block. Godwinn then drops Sid with the Slop Drop but DiBiase pulls Godwinn off of Sid to break up the pin fall. Godwinn goes out after DiBiase until he decides to get back into the ring. Godwinn hits the ropes and DiBiase ends up tripping him up. Sid then drops a huge leg drop to the back of the head of Godwinn. Sid then picks up Henry and drops him with a power bomb for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Sycho Sid!

After the match Sid and DiBiase fight over who is going to slop Godwinn. Bam Bam comes out of no where and attacks both Sid and DiBiase. Kama comes down to help Sid fend off Bam Bam. When DiBiase goes to slop Bam Bam, Godwinn grabs the bucket from DiBiase and slops him.

This match was okay but nothing special. Sid did the bare minimum and worked over the lower back of Godwinn throughout. The post match stuff was pretty solid with DiBiase getting slopped again. From bell to bell and the aftermath, this was a decent segment that is worth checking out only to see DiBiase sell the slop again. He was a pro’s pro and made you hate him. He was such a great heel.

They go to the back where Gorilla is telling Cornette that the match is going down with or without Owen. Gorilla says that Cornette can have Yoko square off against Diesel/Shawn by himself. Gorilla also tells Cornette that he can go find a partner and he will sanction him to be a WWF Tag Team champion for 1 night only. Cornette says he will find somebody.

Pre-Match Thoughts:

This match was setup when the Bulldog ended up trading on Diesel on Monday Night Raw. Bam Bam is a good friend of Diesel’s so he is taking up the fight with the Bulldog to get some revenge for his friend. Both of these guys can go so it should be an entertaining match up here.

Match 3: British Bulldog vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow starts this one off with two big shoulder blocks that drop Davey Boy and send him to the outside. They cut to the back where Cornette is asking Sid to be Yokozuna’s partner. Bam Bam keeps control with a hip toss and then a body slam before he misses an elbow drop. Bulldog goes to the head lock to slow this one down. Bam Bam flips Bulldog over him and drops him before he misses a head butt. Bulldog then hits Bam Bam with a nice suplex but Bam Bam gets right up and floors Bulldog with a couple of clotheslines. Bam Bam goes for a splash on Bulldog but Bulldog ducks down and pulls the top rope down with him as Bam Bam goes flying over the top rope.

Bulldog tries to suplex Bam Bam back into the ring but Bam Bam blocks it and drops Bulldog on the top rope racking him. Bam Bam then goes to the top rope and hits the flying head butt for a 2 1/2 count. Bam Bam is arguing with the ref when Bulldog gets up and drops Bam Bam with a chop block. Bulldog starts to work over the leg a little bit here. Bam Bam hits Bulldog with an enziguri to the back of the head but Bulldog gets back in control by working the leg some more. Bulldog hits a knee to the stomach of Bam Bam and gets a 2 count out of it. Back to the head lock we go.

Bam Bam gets to his feet and drives Bulldog into the corner and then starts laying in some right hands. Bulldog tries a body slam but Bam Bam ends up falling down on him and gets a 2 count of his own. Bulldog goes for a sunset flip but Bam Bam drops down on the Bulldog to prevent the pin fall. Bam Bam then drops a head butt and then goes to the top rope for the moonsault but Bulldog moves out of the way. Bulldog goes off the top with a head butt of his own and gets a 2 count out of it. Bulldog reverses an Irish whip and ends up dropping Bam Bam with a power slam for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….The British Bulldog!

This was a solid match here as well. Bulldog’s power was on display in full force tonight and he looked good. Bam Bam as a face just wasn’t working for me or the crowd because he went from main eventing back to back pay per views to jobbing out in no time. This was a good match with two big guys who can really work in the ring and they delivered.

They tout the WWF Hotline by showing Henry Godwinn and Ted Dibiase on the phones talking to fans. DiBiase is still covered in the slop while Godwinn is laughing about slopping him.

In Ring Promo: Bob Backlund

Backlund comes out and cuts a promo using a bunch of big words that nobody knows the meaning of. This is a waste of time and not worth sitting through. Backlund asks the fans where their lexicon is. Backlund says everyone that comes to this earth has acute limitations. Backlund says we all have challenges in life that we have to get through. Backlund says we become dormant when we have to learn how to read and write. Bob Backlund then introduces Dean Douglas to the ring.

Pre-Match Thoughts:

This match is the follow up to Dean Douglas critiquing Razor Ramon after the ladder match at SummerSlam. If you remember Douglas criticized Ramon right after the match and Ramon didn’t like it so he leveled Douglas with a big right hand. This pissed Douglas off and they had a pull apart. Douglas also went one on one with the 1-2-3 Kid on Superstars where he kept pulling him up instead of actually beating him so Razor came out and attacked him. Douglas also ran into the match between the Kid and Razor on Raw and hit a splash on to the lower back of Ramon. Theres a lot of history here already but this should definitely be a good match with two of my favorites going at it.

Match 4: Dean Douglas vs. Razor Ramon

Douglas cuts a promo before the match and says he can finally say he is proud of a WWF Superstar in Bob Backlund. Douglas says he came to In Your House to teach one WWF Superstar one hard lesson. Douglas says if he hasn’t done his homework and hasn’t prepared then it is a test he will definitely fail. Douglas then does the ring introduction for Razor Ramon as the car tires start screeching.

Razor comes charging into the ring and floors Douglas with numerous right hands and then a clothesline to the outside on Douglas. They get some mat wrestling going until Razor floors Douglas with a big time right hand for a 2 count. Razor reverses a hip toss and sends Douglas up and over to the outside with a hip toss of his own. They go to the back again where Cornette is trying to convince Mabel to be Yokozuna’s tag team partner. Back to the action we go where Douglas starts working the arm of Razor until Razor returns the favor and starts working the arm himself.

Douglas gets out of the top wrist lock and then trips up Ramon. Douglas runs off the back of Ramon and hits the ropes and goes for a cross body but Razor catches him and dumps him with the fall away slam for a 2 count. Razor continues to work the arm of Douglas. Douglas gets to his feet and ends up on the middle rope where he fakes a cross body and then goes for a sunset flip instead. Razor lays in a right hand to Douglas to block the pin attempt. They then exchange multiple near falls until they both get up and Razor drops Douglas with a clothesline.

Douglas finally gets out of the arm bar and he ends tossing Razor over the top rope to the outside. Douglas goes up and over to the outside with a forearm to the lower back. Douglas drives the lower back of Razor into the apron and he follows that up with a body slam on the floor. Douglas drives his knee into the back of Razor and that sends him flying into the steel steps. Douglas picks up Ramon and rams him back first into the steel post. Douglas throws Ramon back into the ring and Douglas goes the top rope with an ax handle to the back of Ramon and gets a 2 count.

Douglas pushes Ramon into the ropes and goes for a hold but Ramon just floors him with a big time right hand. That sounded nasty as hell. Douglas snaps Ramon over and then gets him into a surf board type submission. Ramon breaks free and gets Douglas into the submission himself until Douglas gets it broken by getting into the ropes. Douglas continues to work the lower back with a spring board splash to the back and he ends up getting a 2 count out of it.

Douglas gets a chin lock on Ramon in the middle of the ring. Razor gets up to his feet with Douglas on his back and he drops him with the electric chair drop. Looks like Douglas landed on his neck area there but both guys are now laid out in the middle of the ring as the ref does the 10 count. Razor does an awesome knuckle lock suplex for a 2 count. That looked pretty sweet there. Ramon picks up Douglas and puts him on the to top rope and he is going for his belly to back suplex but Douglas drops Ramon with an elbow and then a twisting cross body off the top rope but Ramon rolls through and gets a 2 count.

Ramon gets up and Douglas pushes him right into the ref and knocks out the ref. Douglas goes for the running spring board splash again but Ramon moves out of the way. Ramon then picks up Douglas and drops him with the Razor’s Edge. The 1-2-3 Kid comes out of no where and counts the three. Ramon pushes the kid out of the ring and this allows Douglas to roll up Ramon. Douglas gets a hand full of tights and he ends up getting the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Dean Douglas!

After the match Ramon goes to the outside and throws the Kid into the ring. Ramon nails the Kid with a big time right hand. They then square up on each other but a lot of officials come in and break this one up.

This was another solid match here. Douglas did some pretty good moves in the ring that were different from his ECW days. He was more of a high flyer here and that is always a plus. Ramon got his typical work in and looked good doing it as well. It’s a shame Ramon never got past the IC part of the card because he had the look, charisma, and the skills to be a top guy but it just never really happened for him. The finish was to be expected as Ramon was entangled in a mini feud amongst friends with the 1-2-3 Kid at the time. All in all a pretty solid match and one worth checking out.

Backstage Interview: Diesel and Shawn Michaels

Dok asks Shawn what their thoughts are on the Owen Hart missing situation. Shawn says its like being in love with a chick but she’s a little batty in the head and you just can’t make it work so it’s frustrating. Shawn says he is frustrated. Diesel says that he smells a rat and Shawn says he thought it was Dok. Diesel says they are two dudes with attitudes and after tonight they will be two dudes with four belts.

Backstage Interview: Bret Hart

Vince asks Bret how he feels about the match and Bret says he’s looking at this match like Captain Crook vs. Captain Crunch. Bret says Lafitte thinks it’s just a jacket that he stole but it is something special to Bret and he wants it back. Bret says Lafitte being a thief is enough for him. Bret says that Lafitte likes to fancy himself as a pirate but tonight he is going to walk the plank.

Pre-Match Thoughts:

This one started when Lafitte stole the jacket of the Hitman. Bret was in between feuds here so getting in the ring with Lafitte made a little bit of sense. Also if anyone can get a good match out of Lafitte it would be the Hitman so this one should be solid.

Match 5: Bret Hart vs. Jean-Pierre Lafitte

Bret gets this one going early with a big time suicide dive through the middle rope. Bret nearly flips over Lafitte and goes crashing to the floor without even touching him. That just looked awesome and is is on a lot of the Bret Hart highlight reels from this time period. Just a really sweet looking move to get this one started.

This one finally gets in the ring as Bret starts working over Lafitte with right hands in the corner. Lafitte gets the upper hand by poking Bret in the eyes. Lafitte then works over Bret in the corner with double fists to the back of the neck of the Hitman. Lafitte misses a charging shoulder block in the corner and Bret goes right to the arm with an arm bar and knee drops. Bret hits a crucifix pin on Lafitte for a 2 count. Back to the arm bar we go. Bret goes for a hip toss but Lafitte blocks it and just floors Bret with an awesome clothesline. That was pretty damn awesome.

Lafitte starts working over the midsection of Bret. He lays in 5-6 stomps to the gut of Bret to keep control of the match. Bret goes up and over and rolls up Lafitte for another near fall. Bret reverses an Irish whip into the corner and goes for a shoulder block but Lafitte moves out of the way and Bret goes crashing into the steel post. Lafitte takes Bret and throws him into the steel post shoulder first once again. We then get the sternum first Irish whip into the corner on Bret. There is always a sickening thud when he does that and it sucks.

Lafitte hits the ropes but Bret back drops him out of the ring but Lafitte lands on his feet. Lafitte then drags Bret to the outside and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. Bret hits the ropes but Lafitte catches him and drops him with a spine buster for a near fall. Lafitte then gets Bret in a head lock. Lafitte drops Bret with a back elbow and then a leg drop for another near fall on Bret before we head back into a head lock.

Bret gets out of the head lock and tries to get a pin with a sunset flip but Lafitte kicks out at 2. When Lafitte gets up to his feet he hits Bret with a sidewalk slam. Lafitte goes to the top rope and hits Bret with a leg drop off the top for another 2 count. Lafitte goes for the cannonball but Bret moves out of the way as both men are laid out in the ring as the ref counts the 10. Bret hits Lafitte with an atomic drop and then a clothesline. Bret tries the Sharpshooter but Lafitte kicks him to the outside. Lafitte then runs and does a flip over the top rope but Bret moves out of the way and Lafitte just goes crashing to the outside. That couldn’t have felt to good.

Bret picks up Lafitte and throws him into the steel steps. Bret gets Lafitte back into the ring and whips him into the turnbuckle sternum first. Bret hits the Russian leg sweep for a 2 count. Bret picks up Lafitte and goes for the small package win but Lafitte gets out at 2. We get the back breaker/middle rope elbow from Bret but Lafitte gets the boot up on the elbow and stops Bret’s momentum. Bret goes for the crucifix again but Lafitte catches him and drops Bret with a rolling senton for another near fall. This is such a great match so far.

Bret tries to go up and over on Lafitte but Lafitte catches him until Bret breaks free and gets another 2 count. So many near falls here towards the end of the match. You really have no idea who is going to win this one. Bret nails Lafitte with a drop kick and then he goes for a running bulldog but Lafitte pushes him off and sends Bret sternum first into the turnbuckle again. Bret goes for a splash on the ropes but Lafitte movies out of the way and Bret gets all tangled up in the top and middle rope.

Lafitte heads to the top rope and goes for a splash but Bret moves out of the way as both guys are laid out again. Both guys get knocked out again with a double shoulder block. Bret crawls on the mat and ends up getting Lafitte in the Sharpshooter while both guys are laying on the mat. Bret cinches it in as the ref calls for the bell and this one is over. Your winner by submission….Bret Hart!

This was a really good match here. Bret got the best out of Pierre here and it made the match pretty entertaining. Bret opened this one up awesome with that dive through the middle rope and it didn’t really stop from there. Lafitte had some good offense and was able to carry the middle portion of the match. Bret told a great story and made you believe that he was on his way out before over coming at the end. Just a really solid match and one worth checking out. It is also proof that Bret can put on a good match with anyone.

Backstage Interview: Yokozuna, British Bulldog, & Jim Cornette

Cornette says some things you search the hardest for end up being right under your nose. Cornette says that Bulldog is the man to get the job done and he will be the partner of Yokozuna tonight. Gorilla Monsoon then sanctions the Bulldog to be one half of the WWF Tag Team Champions for one night only. Cornette then says if Bulldog gets the pin then he will become the IC title or WWF title. Cornette says he has a lot of confidence in his boys to win a title tonight.

They have Alundra Blayze come out and model the Triple Header In Your House T-Shirt. They will also give you a free order with any order of the t-shirt.

Pre-Match Thoughts:
This match was setup when Yokozuna helped the British Bulldog trade on Diesel on the Raw before SummerSlam. Shawn Michaels became Diesel’s partner again and they wanted to exact some revenge on Yokozuna and Owen Hart for what they did. So we got this match and one hell of a stipulation. This is a really sweet idea for a stipulation and I am surprised that they haven’t done it more often. Somebody is going to lose their belts and thats a really good way to sell a pay per view.

Match 6: WWF Title, Intercontinental Title, Tag Team Title Match: Diesel (c)/Shawn Michaels (c) vs. Yokozuna/British Bulldog (c)

This one starts off with Shawn and Bulldog. They have a lot of back and forth action between the two here. This is some lightning quick action here. Shawn ends up dumping Bulldog over the top rope with a clothesline as Shawn skins the cat to get back into the ring. Yokozuna is waiting for him but he ends up missing Shawn as Shawn starts nailing him with some right hands. Diesel then comes into the ring and goes for a clothesline but Shawn is in the way and he barely hits him but Yoko falls through the ropes to the outside anyways. This is a fast and furious opening here.

Bulldog gets in the ring and tags in Yokozuna. Shawn mocks Yokozuna as he does the sumo stance stuff. They square off and then Yoko charges Shawn but Shawn does a baseball slide and ends up hitting some right hands on Yoko again. Shawn ducks a clothesline but ends up getting floored with a back elbow from Yoko. Yoko goes for an elbow but Shawn moves out of the way and quickly tags in Diesel.

Diesel ends up hitting Yoko with a flying clothesline and then a running big boot and this sends Yokozuna to the outside again. Davey Boy comes into the ring without a tag as he starts working over Diesel. Bulldog then picks up Diesel and tries to get him in the delayed vertical suplex but Diesel sandbags him a little bit so Bulldog ends up dropping him. Bulldog picks Diesel up again and nails him with that delayed vertical suplex for a 2 count on the WWF champion. Bulldog gets Diesel in a head lock to get a rest in.

They get up to their feet and Bulldog goes for the running power slam but Diesel slides down and pushes Bulldog into the corner. Diesel nails him with an elbow. Diesel tags in Shawn and Shawn jumps off the shoulders of Diesel with a big time splash for another near fall. That was a pretty awesome move there. Bulldog ends up catching Shawn in a gorilla press and he just dumps him on the top rope. Yokozuna follows it up with an elbow to the back of the head of Shawn and this sends Shawn outside to the floor.

Shawn gets whipped into the corner and he does his flip to the outside. Bulldog then goes out and drops Shawn with a body slam on the floor. Yokozuna then tags in the Bulldog. Bulldog ends up hitting Shawn with a massive back body drop as Vince says “Shawn almost took out some of the ring lights on that one.” Thats no lie. Back to the head lock we go for the Bulldog on Shawn. Bulldog draws Diesel into the ring so he and Yokozuna can double team Shawn. Yoko comes in and gets Shawn in the nerve hold in the trapezia area as Bulldog is waving the Japanese flag in the background.

Yokozuna goes up for the bonsai drop but Shawn moves out of the way as Yoko comes crashing down to the mat. Diesel and Bulldog get tagged in at the same time. Diesel hits Bulldog with a big time back drop and then snake eyes. Diesel hits a side slam on Bulldog and now we have all four guys in the ring at the same time. They end up Irish whipping Bulldog and Yokozuna into each other. They then whip Bulldog into Yokozuna in the corner and Bulldog flips over and nails Yokozuna, who ends up falling on top of the Bulldog.

Yokozuna ends up hitting Diesel with a fall away slam but Shawn comes in and drops Yokozuna with Sweet Chin Music. Bulldog then picks up Diesel and hits the power slam but Shawn breaks up the pin with an elbow off the top rope. Owen Hart comes out of no where and goes off the top rope but Diesel catches him and drops Owen with the Jackknife Power Bomb. Diesel then pins Owen Hart for the 1-2-3. Your winners of the match and new WWF Tag Team Champions….Diesel and Shawn Michaels!

This match was all right. It’s not horrible but it’s not very good either. Bulldog did a lot of the same stuff he did in the ring with Bam Bam earlier on so it was like watching the same match again. By this point Yokozuna was completely useless because he was just way to big to do anything. He could barely move and when you have a guy that size the matches are very limited on what you can do. Shawn and Diesel looked great together and it looked like they were having a lot of fun out there and thats always a plus. The finish was smart because it gave the president of the company an out so they didn’t have two guys with all the gold. The booking was smart and solid for this one but the match itself was just kind of boring. I’d watch it if you are a fan of Shawn or Diesel but other than that theres really not much to see here with this match.

Show Recap:
So that does it for this one. This was right in the middle of arguably the worst era of WWF wrestling of all time and you can really tell throughout the show. You open up with a terrible Savio Vega vs. Waylon Mercy match. I really liked the Mercy gimmick but Spivey was well past a point where he could be serviceable and he looked terrible here. Vega was always good for some entertaining moments and the fire he had was always entertaining.

After that we got another trash match between Sid and Henry Godwinn. Sid just looked like he didn’t care at all for this match and Godwinn was terrible, to me, as well. This was a dud and the best part about it was DiBiase getting slopped after the fact. We then go into a match featuring Davey Boy and Bam Bam Bigelow. This match went way to long and just wasn’t entertaining at all. Bigelow was tapped out at this point with the WWF and he was pretty much going no where fast after his match with LT at Mania. Bulldog was being lazy on this one and just went through the motions to a not so good match.

After that we got one of the better matches on the card featuring Razor Ramon and Dean Douglas. We got a good 15 minutes out of this one and the match was solid. Douglas looked pretty good and he even threw in some high flying moves throughout the match. We all knew Douglas wasn’t going to amount to much because of politics and whatnot but I am a big time Shane Douglas fan and felt like it was a shame he never really got a fair shake in the WWF at any point. His dad got sick and forced him to leave when he had the babyface run in late 90 early 1991. Then Shawn and the rest of the Kliq didn’t really care for him so they were never going to allow him to be anything past what he was. Just a shame because he had a lot to offer.

After the Douglas match we go into the best match on the card. Bret vs. Lafitte was pretty damn awesome. The story telling and psychology by Bret throughout the match was just on point and typical for a Bret match. Lafitte put on his best performance ever for the WWF in this one and what you got is a damn good match by one of the best to ever do it in Bret Hart. The one thing about 1995 WWF that is still fun to watch is Bret putting on pretty damn good matches with guys you really don’t expect to see in the ring with a guy like Bret. He had a great match with Hakushi on another In Your House that is worth checking out. This match is really damn good as well. Even though he was a main event guy he was willing to get into the ring with lower level talent (card spot wise) and put on entertaining and matches that are still good today. Kudos to Bret.

Lastly we got the Two Dudes with Attitudes vs. Yokozuna and Bulldog. This match was decent but nothing special. Two out of the 4 guys couldn’t do much and the other two didn’t get enough time together in the ring to put something decent together. One thing that sucked about this match is the fact that Bulldog basically puts on the same match that he did with Bigelow in the main event. We got the garbage finish of Owen coming back and getting pinned so they can put the titles up the next night on Raw. Just a cluster of a match and a cluster of a finish. Also there wasn’t much entertaining in between the start and the finish of this match.

All in all this was a decent show that was saved by Bret’s match as well as the Razor Ramon and Dean Douglas match. The rest of the card of skip worthy if you ask me. WWF was in a rough shape by this point and the gimmicks were just horrendous. On this card alone we got a teacher, a hog farmer, a schizo, and a pirate. Unless you grew up watching this stuff it is nearly impossible to go back and watch. Like anything there are positives that you can find but it’s brutal getting through that. I would recommend checking out the Bret Hart match and the Douglas match and you can skip the rest.

I hope you have enjoyed this review of WWF In Your House 3 right here on the Event Center. Up next on the docket is some more WCW 2000 for you. We are heading back to September and hitting up WCW Fall Brawl 2000. We get the caged heat match between Booker T and Kevin Nash for the WCW title. Thats whats coming up next so I hope you stick around and take that in as well. Thanks again for readying and until next time stay safe everyone.

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